Neighborhood Paramedic Program & Well Being Home Visits
Neighborhood Paramedic Program
The Neighborhood Paramedic is a program where residents with special needs can register with the fire district for any special medical conditions that emergency personnel should be aware of in the event of an emergency or someone that is limited in their activities in their home due to a medical condition. The Neighborhood Paramedic is a service provided free of charge to the residents of the Eureka Fire Protection District.
Once registered, in the event of an emergency, Emergency Personnel can be made aware of your needs to ensure they have any special equipment or notifications needed, prior to their arrival.
Always Remember
CALL 9-1-1
In The Event Of Any Emergency
This program does not replace skilled nursing or home health care.
Vial Of Life
Vital medical information about a persons health such as name, age, doctor’s name, medical history, medications, allergies, and emergency contacts are all kept in the Vial of Life container. The vial is placed in the refrigerator and a sticker indicating the presence of a Vial of Life is placed on the outside of the door. Emergency service personnel know to look for this sticker when arriving at your home for an emergency.
Well Being Home Visits
If you or a loved one is not able to get out of their home regularly due to a medical condition, they can be registered for our Well Being Home Visits. Once registered in this program, one of our professional members can schedule a visit to the home to check that everything is well with that person and their home.
When we visit, we take a blood pressure reading, we check that everything seems to be in order, there is enough medication for the individual, and the necessities of home such as food, drink, heat, or air conditioning are all available. In the event there is a problem, we would be able to contact a family member or other appropriate person to help with correcting the problems found. This program can also be used to check on people that are homebound and their welfare during extreme weather conditions, such as heat warnings or severe cold weather.